Martin Gardner Reading Group | Spring 2024
Reading Group on Martin Gardner’s Games and Puzzles
by Jyothi Krishnan
Spring 2024 (Jan/Feb)
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This is a reading group based on games and puzzles described by Martin Gardner across his various books and columns. Curated and presented by Jyothi Krishnan.
You will find these meetings interesting if any of the following is relatable:
We make no assumptions, although we appreciate everyone bringing their enthusiasm along :)
Will be updated.
We meet at 9PM IST on all weekdays in January except for the third week. Join via Zoom (Meeting ID: 992 2443 9902
, Passcode: gardner
) and sign up for reminders below.
If you are a calendar person, you can use this link to add all events to your Google Calendar. This requires you to be signed in. Otherwise, you can sign up for daily reminders at 7PM using the form below.
Acknowledgements. This reading group is led by Jyothi: many thanks to her for volunteering the idea and her time!
Note. Topics are tentative and subject to change. Links to recordings will be added below as we go along. You can find the playlist of the recordings here.